Life now 8.25.14

Life now is all about summer and traveling it seems. When I first moved to Bellingham and fell in love with the place, everyone would tell me, “Just wait until summer, that’s when it gets REALLY great here.” and I believed them but I already thought it was great. Sure enough… summer up here is wonderful. Sunny days with endless amounts of outdoorsy things to do. But with that, my life has felt a little overwhelming at times with a pretty packed summer schedule.

Here’s a little overview of some fun summer things that have been happening:

/////// ANNA VISITED ///////
Anna came in July for a week and we got to do a TON of outdoor stuff as well as general catching up. We had amazing weather and took full advantage of it. I really appreciate the friendship Anna and I have and that she got to see my life here in Bellingham. I love when people can come and just jump into life and that’s exactly how Anna travels. I took time off of work for us to do fun outdoorsy stuff during the day but then she also met a lot of my friends by coming to things I do each week at night.

At Deception Pass

Sunset at the Samish Overlook


At the top of Oyster Dome

Kayaking on Lake Whatcom

On Lopez Island, Iceberg Point

After a day of biking all over Lopez Island

/////// LAKE DIABLO  ///////
Some people from work went on a kayak and camping trip at Lake Diablo. It’s such a beautiful area and the water is this cool teal color because of the way it’s fed from a dam nearby. I really wanted to kayak this summer and with the generosity and graciousness of a coworker, I’ve been able to get out on the water a few times. It was a great time to get away and soak up more of the nature around me.

At the top of where we camped


The whole crew (mostly covered in shadows…)

The over-nighters

Kayaking the next day

/////// ATLANTA VISIT ///////
What better place to visit in the thick of August than Atlanta right? This trip was wonderful. I went down there to visit Katie and Meggie whom I met in Uganda while working with EMI. Even though I was only in Uganda for a couple months, I got really close with both of them and cherish the friendship we have. They are both down-to-earth and passionately love Christ. We got to do a little outdoorsy stuff while I was there (despite the heat) and even ran into a couple that I met and knew from my time in India! The connections just keep on coming.
Overall the trip was a time away to wrap my head around all the transition I’ve had in the last year and look forward to what God has in store for me in the future. (Probably a whole other blog post about all God taught me on this trip.)

Katie, me and Meggie

Chattanooga River

Katie schooling me on a run as usual

I love that these girls know all the best hiking spots.

One of the best parts of living in Bellingham is that it’s a place I would go and visit so it feels like I’m on a vacation in my own city. This summer has been filled with watching lots of sunsets, going to art walks, attending weddings, picnics in the park, looking at stars, laying in the sun, and hiking. I love that most of my friends love to travel because we can connect when I talk about my time exploring new places but it also means lots of people leave for the summer. But even though friendships have been a bit scattered, I really love the close friendships I have here and the different ways that I am connected with Christian community. I sometimes get overwhelmed with the balance of being connected here and staying in touch with people I care about back in Omaha or overseas but I believe there’s grace for that seasons where are a more intentional in one place rather than another.

Me and my roommate Anna at Lost Lake

Sending Rachel (left) off before she moved to Texas with Vanessa (middle).

I loved all the time down by the water on sunny days this summer

Fun times at the Copper Hog bar and restaurant watching the USA world cup games

Vanessa and I at Snoqualmie Falls

I LOVE all the amazing sunsets I’ve been able to see over the bay this summer

Blueberry picking

/////// LOOKING TO FALL ///////
As I look ahead to my September schedule, there are some many things that get me excited. I’ll be going on a “volunteer retreat” with the Collide women’s ministry I’m volunteering with this year. I haven’t met most of the team because I decided to volunteer in the summer so I’m super excited to do life with these women and serve Bellingham in this way.
I’m also going back to Omaha, NE for a few days to meet my new little niece!!!! I love that I move and travel but the biggest sacrifice is missing events in people’s lives that you care about. It’s been hard to not be there during such an exciting time in Amy’s life but I can’t wait to see her and her new little baby! I also hope for time with friends and family.
And then after that I don’t have ANY trips planned! I know, it’s pretty crazy for me. But this also gets me excited. The thought of staying here, figuring out a rhythm to life, and investing more into this community. My work will get pretty busy this fall but I’ve found WAY more of a groove in my role there and love the team of people I get to work with. I hope by this winter, Bellingham continues to feel more and more like a home.

Life now 6.17.14

Back in India, I wrote prayer/update emails a couple times a month and I’ve caught myself missing it lately. I’ve also been called out by my dad for not updating my blog as regularly as I gave the impression I would… whoops. So, I just figured I can write little updates here.

Life Now.

Life right now feels good. I’ve been in Bellingham, WA for five months now and things are starting to fall into place. Usually when I talk to people back in Nebraska, they ask about life in three categories: work, friends, church. It’s a loaded question but lately, I’ve been finding my place in all three categories.

I’ve been taking on more at work and although it can be stressful at times, it feels good to be challenged and grow in leadership. I do a lot more art directing that I’ve ever done before and I’m liking the challenge of that. I can tend to be one of those “let me just do it myself” people but the more I try to let go of that, the cooler it is to see people grow in their skills and take a design in directions you never would have thought of. I work with super talented people so I’m constantly being inspired to be a better designer… whether or not I actually am is probably harder to answer myself, but I hope so.

The friends category of life continues to also find a groove. I feel like I have a close group of a few girls that I’ve been able to really open up and get close to. I’ve talked before about how amazed I was that I was welcomed into communities of friends so well and so quickly and although, I appreciated getting to know so many people, it’s been nice to dive into a fewer amount of relationships intentionally. I value deep conversation and connecting with people highly and that’s just harder to have in large groups. One thing that’s been interesting here is that I’ve related to quite a bit of people here with traveling. Most people in Bellingham have spent some time overseas and it’s great to connect with people about that. But what’s also interesting, is that people leave because they love to travel. So for the first time in awhile, I’m the one staying while others leave or explore what living somewhere else looks like. It’s just super different. I hope as I continue to connect here, I can stay up with friends in different places. It’s been hard to figure out a rhythm here but that’s something I want to grow in more. I’m also looking forward to some summer trips to see friends and being back in Omaha this fall for a bit.

And church is the final category. This one has been interesting. I’ve never really “church shopped” before. It takes awhile to visit churches since services only happen once a week. Even still, I found one that I was attending for a few months here which is where I met most of my friends. It’s a great church and I felt super welcomed in right away. But then a strange thing happened. I went to a womens event at another church in town and felt God nudge me to go there. (How I “felt God nudge me” is for a much longer blog post but basically I can recognize when God is leading me one way or the other.) It didn’t make sense since I was already attending a great church in town but I figured God is usually (ok always) right so I’d go to this Presbyterian one. And, I’ve gone ever since. And it still doesn’t make a ton of sense. I’m still friends with people from the other church and haven’t really met many people at the Presbyterian one but each Sunday I walk away challenged and encouraged. I have peace that this is where God wants me to go and that alone feels amazing.

Besides those three “biggies” life is truckin’ along here. I love that it’s sunnier out now that it’s summer but also enjoy rainy days when the colors get super saturated and beautiful. I continue to explore and go on new hikes around here and love watching sunsets by the water. I still get homesick for Nebraska and also for India but overall I love where I live and the people I get to do life with here.


Forced Rest

Since moving to Bellingham, I’ve been able to do quite a bit of outdoorsy stuff. I’ve gone on numerous hikes. I’ve been snow shoeing and slept in a snow cave. I’ve walked around downtown and the waterfront, and have gone on plenty of runs. So it’s fairly ironic that I would sprain my ankle at a dance party (jungle-themed dance party to be exact).

The interesting thing about when I sprained my ankle is that early that day, I was on a hike with some friends and talking about how busy I have been the last month. I love meeting new friends, especially ones that are always doing stuff, but it’s made my schedule jump from rarely having plans to always having plans. Even though I might get overwhelmed with so much going on, I find myself still saying yes to things and jamming my schedule. I think mostly because I want to jump into community. It’s easy for me to logically think “well if I didn’t do ____ then I would just be sitting at home doing nothing, so of course I’ll say yes to ____”. This works fine for a while but slowly I start to get burnt out. And last Saturday I was feeling a bit burnt out. I had wanted to have most of the day to chill and relax at home but I also love exploring Bellingham and all the cool hikes around here so I felt like I couldn’t pass up a chance to go on well-known hike I hadn’t done yet. So there I was, complaining about how overwhelmed I was with my schedule and basically saying I couldn’t do anything about it. That night was the dance party and then next day I had plans to go to Canada, and then I would head into another work week. I knew I was getting too busy but it felt like there was nothing I could do about it.

Until I sprained my ankle.

No joke, the second I realized I had sprained it, I knew it was God telling me to slow down. I knew I couldn’t go to Canada the next day and probably wasn’t going to do much of anything the next day. I had wanted a break and I got one. Not EXACTLY how I had pictured it but it was still a break.

Over the course of this last week, I feel like I’ve learned a lot about rest. It’s easy for me to think of rest as just not doing stuff. Like rest is watching hulu or a movie. I think that might be relaxing but it’s not necessarily rest. For example, when my ankle was sprained, I had to rest it. I would keep it elevated, ice it and not put pressure on it. Even though I wasn’t doing much, it took intentionality to rest it. And while it was resting it was healing. It wasn’t in neutral but instead getting better. I think the same is true for our souls when we are intentional with resting. Watching tv SOUNDS like it’s going to be restful but it generally isn’t for me. It’s the lazy and easy form of relaxing. In reality the best way for me to rest is to spend time reading the Bible and being with God. I know it sounds like the cliché answer but it’s so true. But doing that takes intentionality. I have to choose to rest well and when I do God brings healing to my heart, mind and soul. He helps me understand myself and circumstances I’m going through better. He fills me with His Holy Spirit and enables me to love people better and be more grateful.

Even though the ankle thing has been a bit obnoxious this week, I’m grateful for it. I’m grateful I love a God that cares enough about me and my well-being that He allows sprained ankles to happen, so I can refocus and slow down.

So my advice – be intentional about taking rest before you sprain you ankle at a jungle-themed dance party.

BTW – The ankle is doing MUCH better. Shout out to my physical therapist friends who were super helpful in my healing quickly!

Settling in & reflecting

My birthday was on Monday and it’s made me think back to all that I’ve done & seen this past year.
It’s also made me look ahead to the possibilities this next year will bring.

My last year of life was full of adventure and transition. I started it in Omaha, NE but quickly left to spend a week in Denmark with friends before heading to Uganda for 2 months. Then it was back to India, back to the states and preparing to move to Bellingham, WA (aka my new home). I look back on last year and can’t believe I really got to do all that I did. It’s incredible. I visited 4 countries and took numerous trips within Uganda, India and America. I made new friends and stayed connected with old ones. I learned more about myself than I ever expected. God pushed me further than I new I could be pushed. It’s a year I will never forget.

So now as I look ahead to this next year (and new decade), it’s hard to imagine what it’ll be like. I don’t have huge travel plans. I’m hoping to live in Bellingham for a while and there’s a good possibility that I’ll celebrate my next birthday living here, working the same job and maybe even with some of the same friends I celebrated this one with. That might not sound nearly as exciting as traveling around the world but it does to me. It’s a new adventure. I’m used to bouncing around but not staying put. I’ve seen God work in extraordinary ways when I’m overseas but now I get to see Him work in the everyday of American-living. To trust Him as my “Plan A” when it’s easy to rely on my own strength here. To put down roots somewhere and live life with a marathon mindset instead of a sprint. To work at a job for longer than 6 months and be able to support people overseas the way I was supported. It’s all unknown territory for me. I want to learn to live in America but not lose who I was when I lived abroad.

Boulevard Park. One of my favorite places.

Downtown Bellingham where my office is.

If rain makes everything look so pretty, I don’t mind it all.

So far I have seen God work in amazing ways since I’ve been here. I love my coworkers and my job. I’ve learned so much already from working alongside crazy talented (and hilarious) people. I love where I live. When I first thought about moving out here, I was set on living by myself. I’m so glad God knew better and has placed me with two amazing roommates in a little house in the country. I love how close to amazing natural beauty I am. I’ve lived in the mountains before but this place takes the cake. It’s so green everywhere and I can’t get over how beautiful moss-covered trees with ferns covering the ground is. Not to mention living so close to the water. It’s so refreshing. And to top all that off, I’ve made some great friends so far. It’s crazy how fast I’ve met people here but I love it. I know that it doesn’t matter how cool a place is, it’s whether or not you have good friends that matters. I experienced that in Delhi most vividly.

Reunited with friends I met in New Zealand!

Celebrating my birthday with new Bellingham friends on the beach with a bonfire.

So as I settle in to my new town and reflect on all that God has done this past year, the word that comes to mind over and over is thankfulness. I’m so undeserving and yet God is so gracious.

The travels continues….

A lot of people have asked if I’m going to keep blogging now that I’m back in the states – and the answer is… YES! I’m still a “Nebraska traveler” at this point so why not?

Quite a bit has happened since my last post. I’ll post more about all that later but I thought I’d get a quick little something out – kind of giving an picture of life lately.

////// HOLIDAYS //////
I LOVED being home for the holidays. Although I was going through some hard “reverse culture shock”, it was so life-giving to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family. My parents have never made me feel bad for leaving Nebraska to travel all over the place. They have always believed in me and encouraged me (and let me stay with them when I am in Omaha). My brother and I always have a blast together (mostly because he’s hilarious). My sister and I are super close so we keep up with each other when I’m gone but it’s always nice to see her in-person and also to get some time with her and my brother-in-law who is also pretty awesome. We always spend the holidays with my aunt and uncle on my dad’s side and I love seeing them. It just wouldn’t feel like a Gerhart family holiday without them!

////// FRIENDS //////
I am so grateful for the incredible friends I have in Omaha. I wish I could have seen more people and saw the ones I did get together with more. Time seems to go by super fast whenever I’m in Nebraska but I treasure each time I get to see the people I love back home.

I was also grateful to see some friends that I met overseas in the states. I took a trip to Colorado right after Christmas where I met up with some friends I made in India and also with some from when I was in New Zealand! It was such an encouraging time and my heart was full after getting to reconnect with them. A day after getting back to Omaha, I drove down to Kansas City, MO to visit friends that I made in Uganda. They were all there for a conference so I attended a couple days of it and got to hang out with friends I cherish. It was amazing to get to see so many people in such a short time!

////// WHAT I’M LEARNING //////
Man, is there ever a time when I’m not processing something or learning some lesson from God? It doesn’t seem like it! After getting past most of the reverse culture shock, I started to look ahead to my little trips (Colorado & Kansas City) and my move to Washington state. I drove through some bad weather when I was coming back from Kansas City (only a three hour drive from Omaha) and it freaked me out about moving. At the same time I was somewhat panicking about the route I had chosen to drive to Bellingham, WA (near the border of Canada & about 2 hours north of Seattle) I also got sick. Long story short, I had a rough couple days and it felt like God was no where to be found. I was mad that He wasn’t making my life easier and His plans for me weren’t looking the way I wanted them to.

Something I think is funny is that people assume I must be brave or courageous with all the traveling I do and to the places I go. They assume that by now, traveling around (especially within the US) would be easy for me. Well, let me set the record straight – I freak out and get nervous EVERY time I travel. Whether it be by plane, train, or car. Whether it’s in the states or in Uganda, India, or Europe. I get freaked out because of all the unknowns that come with traveling. Things I can’t control like my baggage, or flight schedules, or weather. Especially weather.

I often look back after getting to a place safely and wonder if I just didn’t have enough faith or trust in God when I freaked out or if it’s ok for me to get nervous because I still get on the plane, train, or vehicle. I mean doesn’t it matter that I still take the step of faith even if I have butterflies the whole time while I do? Or does God ACTUALLY want me to not worry… like, at all. Is that even possible? He doesn’t say don’t worry because I’ll make things easy and pain free. The opposite actually. God is pretty upfront with all the horrible, hard, and dangerous stuff that can (and probably will) happen to us. But God does say no to worry. He commands it. And of course, there’s no chance I can “not worry” on my own strength. But somehow, through the Holy Spirit’s presence in me enables me not to worry.

I’m still learning. And processing. But I can see how little I make God when I want Him to do life on my terms. I was reminded how much He deserves my respect and reverence. He IS good. He DOES bless me. But no, life will never be easy and pain-free. But it will be purposeful and rewarding. Everyone looks for ways to avoid pain and make life easy but if those things are not God, they come with a short pleasure and a long hallow dark feeling sooner or later. I know that even in life’s hardest and most painful moments, I have a God I can run to and lean on. I know that He is working all things together for good. I know that He will use whatever painful things I go through later for a better purpose and redeem them.

////// LOOKING AHEAD //////
The drive ended up being ok. I changed my route last minute but was still able to find places to stay with people at each stop. I was blessed by people’s hospitality. I felt God’s presence as I drove the whole way. And I saw an incredible views along the way that I will never forget.

Now I’m up in Bellingham, WA and just finished my second day of work at my new job. I wrote out a prayer for this next chapter and in it I wrote about God teaching my heart not to worry. I wrote about wanting to focus most on Christ and not just finding friends and doing well at my job. I want to see God rightly so that I won’t fear. I won’t worry. Because I’ll know that the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is for me not against me. And He is faithful and trustworthy. He rules over all creation and nothing is impossible for Him.

And He writes beautiful stories in the lives of people that follow Him wherever He leads.


I’ve been back in the states for just over a month and I still find myself adjusting. It depends on the hour how close India feels. Sometimes it feels like I’m right back there and other days it feels a million miles away. This season of adjusting isn’t something I’m experiencing for the first time. It’s actually like the fourth time or something. Sometimes it’s surreal to think back to my life before I started traveling. I lived a fairly steady life. I mean I moved around a bit with apartments and stuff but even that was in the same zip code. I worked a stable job for over three years. I volunteered weekly at a ministry for over six years. I did Bible studies with the same girls year after year for six years (mostly Beth Moore, a personal favorite of mine). Things were steady. All my siblings and I lived in Omaha, only a 30 minute drive to my parent’s house and/or grandparent’s house. I still went through seasons of change but it all happened within this sturdy framework of life. And I loved it.

Then I moved to New Zealand for a year of Bible school.

I knew when I was leaving I was wiping the chalkboard of my life clean. I quit two jobs, moved out from living with my best friends and heading into the unknown. It was terrifying. But at the same time, it felt like I was taking the step I was supposed to take a long time ago. I had always wanted to travel and live outside of Nebraska. I had always wanted to see New Zealand. I had always wanted those “God stories” of when you have no clue how you’re going to get out of a situation unless God shows up.

It was an amazing year of adventure. I met people from all over the world. I studied my Bible in a completely new way. I learned more about myself from living in community with others. I took more risks than I ever imagined I could. I put myself in situations I never dreamed of and saw God in incredible ways. I saw Him “show up”. Orchestrate things in ways that were obviously His handiwork and not just mere coincidences. I relied on God in new ways and grew so much deeper in my faith because my circumstances required a new level of faith. I made amazing friends and fell in love with a new country. And I knew that my life wasn’t going to go back to my old normal when I returned after a year. I knew this was my new normal. And it was.

Then next year brought some familiarity and also some change. When I came back to Nebraska, I was able to work at my old job for six months. It was great to be back in a place that was like home for me. The team I had previously worked with were mostly gone but it still felt like trying on a old sweater when autumn hits – it was cozy and fit. I stayed with my parents while in Omaha so I never felt that “settled” feeling you get when you have a place of your own, but it was a generous blessing for them to let me crash at their place. Even though Nebraska felt different to me because I had just lived overseas, I actually gained an appreciation for it.

Then some change. I took a job in Colorado so it was time to adjust once again. I had actually gotten the offer to come volunteer in India right before I started my job in Colorado, so it never felt long-term. To be honest, I went into this adjustment pretty selfishly. I was sick of saying goodbye to people so I entered into my new place closed off (which is hard when you’re living at a Bible school). I think my adjustment suffered because of it and I really didn’t find my place there until just before I left. But even so, in the wrong way I handled things, I still learned so much. It helped me know what not to do when I headed to India.

So yeah, after Colorado it was back to Nebraska for three months before heading out to India. I committed to volunteering for a year because I was tired of moving around all the time but things didn’t exactly work out like that. I lived in India for five months, came back to Omaha for my sister’s wedding for six weeks, then went to Uganda for two months and finally, returned to India for another six months. When I was flying back to the states last month, I had to fill out the re-entry form that asks what countries you have visited since you last left the states. It was weird to be able to write down four countries – Denmark, Uganda, Thailand, and India. It was surreal. When did my life turn into this? Moving and adjusting. Packing and unpacking. Jumping into community and saying goodbyes. Exploring new places and experiencing new things with new people.

Sometimes it feels like I’ve lived my life in the “in-between” for years now. Not really putting down roots but just floating from place to place to place.

And so here I am. Back to the in-between. Back to adjusting. But this time, I’m not just waiting for my next short-term adventure. I’m gearing up for a whole different next step. I’m packing again, and moving again, and saying goodbyes, but this time I’m going for an unknown period of time. Could be a year or 10 years. (I keep telling myself at least three years but that’s probably to do with all the moving around lately.) I’m moving to a place where I’ll have a home to settle into (I’ll be living with a couple of girls in a house). I’m going for a job that isn’t temporary or voluntary. And it feels weird.

God loves to push us of our comfort zones because we learn the most about Him and ourselves outside of them. And in a weird way, all the traveling and moving have become a bit of a comfort zone for me. It’s crazy I know, but it’s been my “normal” for over three years now. I’m used to jumping on a plane or planning my schedule in little chunks around my travel plans. I’m used to the excitement of taking leaps of faith into the unknown. So this next step is sort of new for me. I mean, I know it will come with excitement and adventure but in different ways.

I’m sad to close the chapter of “world traveling” that has been my life the last three years. I never would’ve expected my life would ever be as full as it has been. I’ve cherished every opportunity I’ve had to see so many different places and meet so many amazing people. And I’m excited to see what this next stage brings. What it looks like to experience “God stories” in the states and in a more steady life. To dive into ministry again with a marathon attitude instead of a sprint. To meet new friends and actually stick around long enough to enjoy them for longer than a few months. I’m excited to see what new things God will show me about who He is, myself and others.

As I look back on all the adjustments one thing that has been steady is Jesus. He has been faithful. He has provided. He has been there with me through it all and has worked all things for good. He has seen me at my lowest and best moments. He is who I have turned to for wisdom, comfort, and grace over and over again. He never changes. He has never left me. He has always guided me. He goes before me and yet is alway right beside me. And He writes one heck of a story in my life.


On the way home from India, I stopped in New York. A friend of mine, Koob, is going to seminary school out in Nyack and I thought it would be cool to visit him on the way home since I fly through Newark anyway. I know Koob from working together back in Nebraska at a church in Omaha and it’s been great to keep in touch with him over the years. Another friend, Andrew, came up from Omaha for the trip as well. Andrew and Koob are close friends and Andrew had wanted to visit Koob anyway so it all seemed to come together. It’s only been a little over a week since I was there but it’s a bit of a blur. I didn’t have too bad of jetlag but between that and “reverse culture shock”, I wasn’t exactly 100%.

When I flew in, I was greeted at the airport by Andrew and Koob (Andrew flew in the night before). It was SO nice of them to pick me up, especially since my flight got in at 5 am! I did the straight shot from Delhi so when I arrived in Newark, it was after a 14 hour plane ride. I slept ok on the plane so I wasn’t too tired but it was so surreal to be back on U.S. soil. Since I wasn’t too tired, we decided to grab some breakfast before Koob had to go to work. It was nice to just sit and catch up with the guys. We talked about how random it is that we all know each other and how our paths first crossed. Even though I complain about all the goodbyes I have to say all the time, it is so cool how God orchestrates friendships that I never would have guessed. After breakfast, Andrew and I dropped Koob off at work and headed off to a lookout point Koob had told us about (with very interesting directions). I’ve scoped out Koob’s instagram photos of Nyack so I was excited to see some pretty scenery.


Here’s a view from the lookout. Although Koob’s directions were a bit unorthodox they worked out perfectly. The view was amazing and the trees still had tons of fall-colored leaves which made Nyack even more picturesque. Seriously Koob’s town looks like it should be called Storybrook or something. It’s super cute and quaint.


At the top.


I took this on our way back from the look out. It was such a gorgeous walk with the fall leaves everywhere. Coming from Delhi, it was amazing to see so much natural beauty. I’m not used to seeing such huge amounts of sky and then adding all the richness of color everywhere… it was awesome.


After the lookout, Andrew and I headed to downtown Nyack where we stumbled upon a farmer’s market. I love farmer’s markets. It’s sort of funny after living in India because everywhere you buy fruits and vegetables is like a very scaled-down farmer’s market (and way cheaper).  (You can kind of see in the picture above that Nyack has those squished together buildings painted in fun colors just like Copenhagen!)


Once we walked around the farmer’s market we explored more of downtown Nyack and stumbled upon this little gem of a bookstore. Confession – I’m terrible at used bookstores. I mean, how is this not overwhelming for everyone? I know they’re amazing and I love old books but I’m just not good at finding those cool old books in the midst of a billion cool old books. Luckily, this sort of thing is Andrew’s sweet spot so I mostly followed him around as he did his thing.


Then we went to a random lake. We had both looked up stuff to do before we got to New York but then we sort of ended up winging it a bit once we got there. This was in an area we both thought looked cool so we just found the biggest lake on the map and GPS’d our way there. It was fun because we were the only ones there and it was so chill & quiet.


When the sun set it was so beautiful that night. I miss big sky and pretty sunsets when I live in India so it was a treat on my first day in America to watch.


The next day we headed into New York City. It was great that Koob could take the day off and show us around. Andrew and I would have been so lost if we didn’t have Koob with us.


First things first, we headed to Chinatown for lunch. I loved that Koob knew the “good spots” so we ended up eating amazing food the whole weekend!


After lunch we made our way to the Brooklyn Bridge. My first impressions of NYC were kind of funny. I’ve heard so many people talk about how crazy NYC is but compared to Delhi, it’s so chill. I think partly because the buildings are so tall it blocks out a lot of the noise and cars honk less than in Delhi. But also, there are giant sidewalks for people, where as in Delhi there’s no sidewalks, tons of cars/vehicles driving crazy, honking their horns and that’s not even taking into account the random cows, guys pulling wooden carts, and people walking everywhere. So ya, compared to that, NYC seemed chill, orderly, and clean.


On our way to the Brooklyn Bridge.


The Brooklyn Bridge.


Just a gal in the big city.


Koob, Andrew and I on the Brooklyn Bridge. I think this is one of a few pictures of all three of us. It’s always funny to see the difference between traveling with girls vs. guys. One main one is that guys aren’t super into taking pictures… so this is one of the like four pictures of all three of us together.


Look at that orderly traffic! I liked seeing the yellow taxis. Makes you instantly feel like you’re in NYC.


More fall colors! I can’t tell you how thankful I am that I made it back to the states before all the trees lost their leaves. This is one reason fall is my favorite season.



Next we went to Ground Zero and stopped in St. Paul’s Chapel. It’s a cute church near Ground Zero that acted as a relief center of sorts during 9/11. The inside of the church is full of 9/11 memorials. It was really powerful to see it all. I think seeing the pictures at the church and reading stories of firefighters who worked day and night during that time was really impactful.


And just as the sun was starting to set we saw the Statue of Liberty (from afar).


We took the subway a lot to get around the city and man, again it was great to have Koob around to navigate. It was hard not to compare the subway in NYC to the Delhi metro. The main difference is there’s no ‘Women Only” car and I’m not one of the tallest people on it.


The crowds in Times Square were probably the craziest in NYC. Again, it wasn’t too bad for me since I was very used to crowds but I don’t think the guys loved it.


I loved the energy of NYC. It’s crazy but in a good way.


That night we headed to Brooklyn to meet up with a friend of mine, Camia. Camia and I met at EMI orientation way back in August 2012. At that time we were roommates, going through a week-long orientation before we headed to our different EMI offices to volunteer for the next 5 months (I went to India, she went to Costa Rica). I had really wanted to meet up with her and am so glad we did. It was great to see Brooklyn (so cute and the buildings had lots of character to them) and talk about EMI, and life after it. She told us about this amazing little Mexican restaurant that we ended up going to that was so good and so cheap. Catching up with her was one of my highlights of the whole trip for sure. Camia is so full of joy and life and it’s obvious she’s thriving in New York. So encouraging to see.


Chilling on Camia’s roof while she got ready after work… how amazing is her view!!


Saturday we went to Central Park. We lucked out with another gorgeous day out to walk around.


More fall colors. love, love, love.


Andrew did his own thing when we went to Central Park (what better place for an introvert to recharge right?) so Koob and I hung out and found this little spot on a bridge looking down at this fountain and people walking around. It was surprisingly entertaining to just people watch for hours. NYC delivers when it comes to eclectic people to watch.


And our favorite?…. This guy. (I nicknamed him “Bubs” short for “Bubbles”). He was hilarious. He had this giant net for making bubbles but the best part was his expression on his face was like making bubbles was no big deal. He was so chill and never cracked a smile. No real crowd interaction – just made bubbles, dunked his net into the soapy water and make some more. So funny. Oh, and the kids loved this guy. He never had less than 2-3 kids running around popping bubbles he made.


After we met back up with Andrew, we walked around the city some more and saw random stuff we hadn’t made it to yet. Like Rockefeller Center.


And Radio City Music Hall.

Then we hit up the subway again to head over to Greenwich Village and poked around there a bit. Then we met up with Koob’s friend Sam in Fort Lee for some Korean food. The place we went was so good. Most of the menu was in Korean so it was nice to have Sam (Korean) there to help us out with ordering. Sam is a really great guy who goes to school with Koob. I loved hearing more about him and his story and all God is teaching him. I loved my time at Bible School in New Zealand and know that God teaches you so much when you are in an environment like that. It’s great to meet people in Koob’s world and see that he has a great group of friends here in New York.

Sunday, we went to church with Koob. He had to be there early because he was helping with sound so Andrew and I chilled in the back of the church before the service. I think Sunday morning was another highlight for me with this trip. I had been journaling a bit each day but I hadn’t really let it sink in that I really had left India. That India was “over”. I was so busy walking around New York and taking it all in that I had sort of pushed all that to the side and having time before church was huge to journal and start to process. I have a hard time letting go so it hits hard when I have to say goodbye to something that has ended. It was nice to just have the space to be sad. To grieve a bit. But to also see that the things I learned about myself and God in India will always be a part of me. India changed me in a lot of ways and that stuff doesn’t just fade away.


We headed into the city after church so I could meet up with my friend (and ex-flatmate in India) Alyssa! I had randomly saw that Alyssa was in town via instagram and I can’t tell you how grateful I was that it worked out to meet up. I lived with Alyssa the first 5 months I was in India so she knew exactly how I was feeling with leaving and all the wonderful people I was missing. She was so encouraging to me about adjusting to life in the U.S. and how God is still so evident in life here as He is in India. It was great to talk to someone who truly understood what I was processing and to hear all about how she was doing. Again, another highlight for me!


The city was really foggy on Sunday and it made the buildings look so cool and peaceful. Since we had walked around a lot that last couple days we ended up chilling at a diner near Grand Central Station (where I met up with Alyssa) and just talked for a few hours before meeting up with another friend of ours, Josh who used to live (and work) with Koob in Omaha. Again it was so encouraging to talk to Josh and hear all about what he’s doing and his heart for the church he’s working with.

And then Monday Andrew and I got on a plane and headed to Omaha. Even though I was only in New York for four days it felt like a lot longer. We did a lot (and walked a lot) and saw a lot. I really enjoyed all the conversations the three of us had and the people we were able to meet up with. I loved hanging out with Koob’s niece and nephew at this house and talking with his sister and brother-in-law. I loved how NYC was similar to Delhi in a lot of ways and made for a softer entry back to the states. I appreciated the grace Koob and Andrew showed me when I was not myself because of culture shock and/or jetlag. But most of all, I love the plan God for me. I have trusted Him with my life for over five years now and it’s amazing how much I have been able to see and experience since I did. It comes with sacrifices but it’s always worth it. And even if I can’t have all my friends live in one place it’s the biggest blessing to me that I can visit them and go on adventures with them and we pick up where we left off. And as I look ahead to unknowns, I know God’s plans will always be good and full of surprises.

Sad to go but so glad I came.

I’ve had to a lot of goodbyes this last week. I don’t really enjoy saying goodbye and I really really miss people when I leave places. But it’s always a good sign when goodbyes are hard because it means I made close friends and hopefully I’ll run into them at some point.

Here are some pictures from different farewell parties this last week:


Here’s the whole EMI-South Asia staff and families. (From left to right – Matthew, Sean & Ivy Coffey. Huberth (Priya & Everett Frank in front), William, Graham, Carrie & Hudson Frank. Preeti & Jonathan (will be married 11.30!) Dannah & Ryan (who just had their little girl yesterday) and me.

Man, I’m gonna miss these guys. They have shown me so much grace over the last year and have welcomed me into their lives. They are each like family to me. I have LOVED working for EMI, it’s is an amazing organization and the South Asia office will always have a special place in my heart.


I could write a lot about each EMI family but I’ll just mention this one now. Here I am with Matthew, Ivy and their son Sean. Sean was only a month old when I first came to India so to see him grow into such a hilarious and active boy has been a blast. He and Ivy come for lunch everyday and Sean definitely steals the spotlight. Matthew has been my boss this past year with EMI and I have loved working for him. He has the best heart towards EMI  and sharing all the amazing work God is doing in and through EMI as an organization. He is also so funny and witty. My favorite is watching him, Graham and Ryan interact because they truly are brothers. Matthew and Ivy both are so gentle-hearted and although they are incredibly wise, they’re never condescending. Matthew has been one of my favorite bosses and most of the reason I have loved working for EMI so much this past year.


This is why I love my friends! Here’s Luke, Lindsey, Steph, me and Tricia at my going away party. Tricia and Anna hosted it on their balcony and had a bit of a photobooth set up. It made for some great pictures.


I have loved getting to know Tricia these last months. She’s from Colorado so I’m hoping to meet up with her when she’s back in the states. Tricia knows everyone and is friends with everyone in Delhi. And it’s because she has the most kind heart, best laugh and always includes people. She’s amazing at inviting people to things and never leaving someone out. I have had so much fun laughing with her and learning how to love people better from her.


So when your name is “Christine” sometimes you accidentally block out the “ine” in a photo and it ends up saying “We love Christ” but hey, I guess that’s not too bad. This is Simon, me and Kate. They are some of my favorite Australians. I’ve spent a lot of time on the weekends with them (and their roommate Steph) just hanging out at their house. They are both super funny but not in an over-the-top way, but more of a subtle & clever funny. One of my favorite things about hanging out at their house is how easy it is. Like we just sort of clicked and it felt more like hanging out with family than friends. I was able to lounge around and never felt like I had to impress them or couldn’t be myself. They have been so kind to me and encouraging. I’m going to miss them (and their beautiful daughter, Rose) very much.


Simon & Kate, and Steph’s other roommate is Jay. She’s also friends with everyone in Delhi. She’s from South Korea and is so funny. She says the funniest things and is always laughing. I love how much joy Jay brings into a room. People love to be around her because she is so welcoming and enthusiastic about life. She’s one of the first people I met (outside of EMI) and once you know Jay, your set. She’s also great at inviting people to things and including people.


Me and Rosie! This is Kate and Simon’s daughter whom I’m going to miss a lot! Since I hang out with them on the weekends, I’ve gotten to see little Rose go from “very tiny and cute newborn” to “very cute little 3 month-old baby”. I have loved watching Simon and Kate be parents and see Rosie grow and change. I’m pretty sure she now has tons of aunties and uncles here in India because everyone loves this little girl!


Here’s me and Steph (and Rosie). Steph has been one of my best friends here in Delhi. Like I said, she lives with Kate & Simon, and Jay and I’ve spent most of my weekends at their house. Steph is also from Australia and randomly this summer we went from meeting each other at a church thing to hanging out all the time within a few weeks. It’s been so great to get to know her more and do so much fun stuff together. I appreciate her insight and perspective so much and pretty much debrief Anything I’m going through with her. (She has given me tons of advice that I’ve found invaluable.) She is so thoughtful and so down-to-earth. I’m going to miss her a lot but have already started saving for a trip to Australia to meet up again sometime soon!


My Canadian friends! This is me, Brad, Sherry and Doug. They all live together and have a game night at their house each week and it’s a blast. I’ve met most of my friends through going to games night each week and these guys have been so welcoming to me! Sherry is such a delight. She is so kind and sweet but also is so real at the same time. She has a servants heart and I felt like I could talk to her about anything the first time I met her. Doug, her husband is great. He LOVES playing strategy games (which I don’t) but convinced me to try one called “Pandemic” and I actually loved it. He connects with everyone and is really so fun to be around. Brad is their flatmate and he’s another “knows all of India” kind of person. I met him my first term in India and it was great to see his familiar face this time around. He’s great with welcoming people into groups and making people feel at home.

As a side-note, I love Canadians. I’ve never met a Canadian I didn’t like. They are all so nice. I’ve told these guys this from the moment I met them and slowly over the last few months they have dubbed me an “honorary Canadian” which I take as one of the best compliments a girl can get. I can’t wait to see them when they are back in Canada this spring.


Here’s me and Lindsey. She is so sweet and even though we didn’t get that much time to hang out together, I feel like I’ve known her for years. I’m so excited for her as she gets close to a year in India. She is great at Hindi and has such a HUGE heart for people. I’ve been so blessed by her and will miss her when I go.


This was all Kate’s idea… but this is a great picture of how much fun this group has together. From left to right – Luke, Kate, Tricia, Jay, Lindsey, Ligy, Steph, Me, Simon (and Rose) and Anna. My stomach hurt so much after this photo from laughing.


Another group pic. This time it’s Anna, Steph, Jay, me and Tricia. I have loved getting to know Anna the last year. She was actually a great friend last winter and I was glad to reconnect when I got back. She’s is another person who has great advice and perspective on things. I have loved getting coffee and dinners with her and talking about life. I’m also really excited for her and her new role in India because she’s incredibly talented so I know God is going to use her a ton in the years ahead.


Last but not least, here’s me and Ligy. Ligy and I go way back… like orientation in Colorado Springs back (last August). We roomed together then but didn’t cross paths again until January and even so, it was only for a couple days. Then when I got back in May we became roommates again. Ligy is pretty amazing. Her life story should be a book (I keep telling her to write one). I’m so grateful for her servant heart and the ways she loves people so selflessly. It’s definitely been inspiring to me. She has taught me so much about different cultures and ways to look at things. She has also taught me so much about myself as we’ve lived together and see each other on good days and bad. I love to hear her pray because she has such a love and reverence for God. I’m going to miss her a lot but I know for sure we will be friends for a long time.


And what better way to end a party than sparklers?! Especially Indian sparklers that are quite dangerous. Anna and Tricia threw me the best going away party I’ve ever had! Such a great night.

My first visitor!

Lots of people say they might come visit you in India, but Carmen was the first (and only) that actually could make it work. It was so great to have her here for two weeks and that she was able to see my life here in Delhi. She got a glimpse at it all. The boring day-to-day side. The ‘India is crazy’ side. Seeing sites and getting to meet lots of my friends. It was a full two weeks with ups & downs and lots in-between. Here’s some pictures of our time together and what we saw.


Here we are at Begumpur Mosque near my house.


A look at South Delhi (my hood) from on top of Begumpur Mosque.


Another view of South Delhi.


Walking back to my house from Begumpur Mosque. I love all the layers of houses and fun colors!


At Humayun’s Tomb in Delhi.


Little-bitty Carmen in front of Humayun’s Tomb.


This is another tomb at Humayun’s Tomb. I love the shape of this building.


A graffiti wall in Hauz Khas Village, a fun hipster area in Delhi.


Another view of ruins in Hauz Khas Village, a prime place for Indian couple to come and hang out because there are so many social stigmas on guys and girls hanging out…. so it’s a bit of a make-out spot for the teenagers I think.


Following Carl and Kira in a bicycle rickshaw in Old Delhi. Since Carmen overlapped with the EMI Director’s conference she got to sight-see when some of the EMI people wanted to sight-see. Carl is EMI’s Director of Interns in Colorado Springs. It was great to have him and his wife, Kira, come and stay in the flat with us and go exploring together.


One of my favorite spots in Old Delhi is Jama Masjid. Is a huge mosque that has a tower you can go up to get an amazing view of Old Delhi in it’s full glory and chaos. Here’s one picture from the tower.


This was Carmen’s “artsy-photo” idea and I love it. It’s crazy to see SO many buildings but I guess that’s what you get when you live in a city of 23 million people.


After Jama Mosjid we went to the front of the Red Fort. It was closed on the day we went to Old Delhi but it was still fun to make our way down the crowded, chaotic streets to get a glimpse at the entrance.


We ventured to Lodi Gardens as well. I love Lodi Gardens because I have been able to run there most Saturdays (there’s a 2k track which is hard to come by in parks in Delhi). Something that has been so interesting about living in an old city like Delhi, is the mix of super old and beautiful buildings and people just doing everyday stuff. Lodi Gardens is definitely one of those places.


Another building in Lodi Gardens all lit up.


Carmen and I were also able to get out of Delhi and head up to the mountains! We went to Mussoorie for a few days and it was a great break. Carmen had gone to the Taj the day before (with interns) so she had a full couple days of train travel. Mussoorie is where the EMI office used to be so I had been up there once before and was hoping to go back before I left India.


One the crazy curvy roads. Everything is up and up and up in Mussoorie!


A small strip of shops and places to eat in Landour.


It was so nice to have greenery around and cool weather!


The place we stayed was a Tibetan hotel that has some of the most colorful paintings I have ever seen. It’s quite a sight. I had stayed there last year and liked it and it didn’t disappoint.

We did lots of other stuff too that I don’t have pictures of. I loved when Carmen could jump right in and do “everyday life stuff” with me. She came to church a couple times and to “game night” with some of my friends in Delhi. She also did stuff on her own and was pro with taking in Delhi’s culture.

One thing that I really cherished about Carmen coming to visit is all our great talks. I seriously think I averaged 3 hours of sleep a night because it was so great to stay up late talking about life. She is amazing at asking good questions and listening well. It was good to talk to her about life here because she could see and understand some of the stuff I was talking about but also give a fresh perspective. I’m grateful for her and her friendship. And that she was willing to come to India and gracious with the time she spent here with me.

House of Peace

Last year I was able to travel up to Shanti Niketan Children’s Home (SNCH) for my second EMI project trip. It’s a beautiful place tucked away in the mountains. I had an amazing experience there last year (you can read about it here) so when Matthew asked if I would like to go back on another trip, I jumped at the chance.


A view of the surrounding mountains from the home.

Here’s this year’s team. (From left to right) Danielle, Jaimee, me, Pam, John, Tyler, Vinay, Matthew and Mike. Danielle and Tyler are interns here and I had met John on last year’s trip. It was great to have Vinay and Mike join this year and to see Jaimee again (she went on a trip to the home last year as well but it wasn’t the same one I was on.)

Ok now that the who’s who is out of the way, here’s some cute kid photos! These little ones are so funny and adorable. They are full of life and joy.

Some of the primary school kids. Shanti Niketan has a school for the younger kids on-site while the older ones go to school off campus.



I went down to play with the younger girls with Jaimee and these two were so fun. They had just got these new toys and LOVED when I would take photos of them. I probably have 10 pictures of the two dolls that are in the slinky because they loved setting them up for me to take a photo.


Here the girls are playing doctor with Jaimee.


Slinky fun.


One of the mornings, I got up early and gave a morning devotional for the kids. There was a bit of a translation mix-up so I didn’t realize I was signing up to do the devotional at 6:30 am until it was too late. But really, I was so grateful for the opportunity. I talked about how little things can have a big impact. How little decisions we make throughout the day add up to. Whether we complain or are grateful. Whether we worry and are anxious or trusting. Whether we are hard on ourselves or know who we are in Christ and speak truth to ourselves. Whether we are selfish or servants. Basically all things I’m learning too! The kids also sang some worship songs before I spoke and it is incredible to worship with them. Their hearts for God are inspiring and you can see the Holy Spirit in each of them.


Some more cute kiddos! These guys were walking back to their dorms after school.


One of these is not like the other…. it’s me! This is a picture of me with four engineers and Suvarna from the home. I’d love to tell you all about what they are looking at but I don’t really know. It has to do with water and pipes. The whole trip was about the engineers designing a water systems for the home. All I know is these guys are super smart and know their stuff.


Fun with one of the little girls.


Do I have a look of panic on my face? I should… this is at the start of the older girls dressing me and the other three girls on the project team. We had agreed to learn a traditional Himachal Pradesh dance and this was the night of our big performance… in front of all the kids and staff… and a bunch of Canadians that had just arrived to do some of the construction work the next few weeks at the home. Go big or go home, right?

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Jaimee and I after getting all done up. Our outfits were an improvise because we didn’t fit into their clothes. I’m so glad I got to go on a project trip with Jaimee. This was her eighth project trip with EMI so she’s basically an EMI rockstar. And SOO funny. And Canadian. So ya, all around awesome.


All of the girls in their outfits (and hair did, and makeup, and jewelry of course).


The girls were on one side of the stage and guys on the other for the dance. Then we would take turns (in pairs) of dancing in the center. This is me and Mike doing our solo part. Mike was a hit with his part. I would love to describe the dance moves but it’s too hard and mostly consisted of us making everyone laugh… in the embarrassing sort of way. I don’t think I have ever laughed so much on a project trip. Everyone was such a trooper with the dance and the kids LOVED it. As Matthew kept reminding us, it was for the kids.


Another group picture with Tunga and his wife and daughter. This little baby girl has tons of aunties and uncles at the home. She is the chillest baby I have ever met and totally precious. The EMI guys got outfits too. I especially like their hats but I still don’t think you can compare our outfits with theirs… I mean we totally take the cake.

I can’t say it enough… I LOVE THIS PLACE. I love the staff. I love the kids. I love the scenery and peacefulness of the home. It is a place full of love and joy. It was built on the prayers of dedicated believers in Christ. I admire them, am inspired by them and grateful I have had the privilege of going on two trips there. The team got so much done and besides just being inspired by the home and their staff, I am always in awe of the work EMI does. The way people from all over give their time and professional skills is awesome.