Life now 6.17.14

Back in India, I wrote prayer/update emails a couple times a month and I’ve caught myself missing it lately. I’ve also been called out by my dad for not updating my blog as regularly as I gave the impression I would… whoops. So, I just figured I can write little updates here.

Life Now.

Life right now feels good. I’ve been in Bellingham, WA for five months now and things are starting to fall into place. Usually when I talk to people back in Nebraska, they ask about life in three categories: work, friends, church. It’s a loaded question but lately, I’ve been finding my place in all three categories.

I’ve been taking on more at work and although it can be stressful at times, it feels good to be challenged and grow in leadership. I do a lot more art directing that I’ve ever done before and I’m liking the challenge of that. I can tend to be one of those “let me just do it myself” people but the more I try to let go of that, the cooler it is to see people grow in their skills and take a design in directions you never would have thought of. I work with super talented people so I’m constantly being inspired to be a better designer… whether or not I actually am is probably harder to answer myself, but I hope so.

The friends category of life continues to also find a groove. I feel like I have a close group of a few girls that I’ve been able to really open up and get close to. I’ve talked before about how amazed I was that I was welcomed into communities of friends so well and so quickly and although, I appreciated getting to know so many people, it’s been nice to dive into a fewer amount of relationships intentionally. I value deep conversation and connecting with people highly and that’s just harder to have in large groups. One thing that’s been interesting here is that I’ve related to quite a bit of people here with traveling. Most people in Bellingham have spent some time overseas and it’s great to connect with people about that. But what’s also interesting, is that people leave because they love to travel. So for the first time in awhile, I’m the one staying while others leave or explore what living somewhere else looks like. It’s just super different. I hope as I continue to connect here, I can stay up with friends in different places. It’s been hard to figure out a rhythm here but that’s something I want to grow in more. I’m also looking forward to some summer trips to see friends and being back in Omaha this fall for a bit.

And church is the final category. This one has been interesting. I’ve never really “church shopped” before. It takes awhile to visit churches since services only happen once a week. Even still, I found one that I was attending for a few months here which is where I met most of my friends. It’s a great church and I felt super welcomed in right away. But then a strange thing happened. I went to a womens event at another church in town and felt God nudge me to go there. (How I “felt God nudge me” is for a much longer blog post but basically I can recognize when God is leading me one way or the other.) It didn’t make sense since I was already attending a great church in town but I figured God is usually (ok always) right so I’d go to this Presbyterian one. And, I’ve gone ever since. And it still doesn’t make a ton of sense. I’m still friends with people from the other church and haven’t really met many people at the Presbyterian one but each Sunday I walk away challenged and encouraged. I have peace that this is where God wants me to go and that alone feels amazing.

Besides those three “biggies” life is truckin’ along here. I love that it’s sunnier out now that it’s summer but also enjoy rainy days when the colors get super saturated and beautiful. I continue to explore and go on new hikes around here and love watching sunsets by the water. I still get homesick for Nebraska and also for India but overall I love where I live and the people I get to do life with here.